Free Coaching Tool incorporating Hero’s Journey.



I’ve created a self-coaching tool that incorporates the Hero’s Journey (see below):

IPB Image

You can use this with clients too to lay out how things are and how they could be – very quickly. This can become a useful foundation for your session providing a FOCUS and a STRUCTURE.

In a nutshell, you can lay out any issue, desire, problem – you name it – in minutes, and see the choice before you in the light of day. If you sit with Your Ordinary World and Your Calling Adventure, there will come a time when you will just “know” what to do and the choice is made simultaneously.

If you would like a free PDF just PM or email me at


What is the most important distinction in coaching?


Why?  Well, everyone needs a way to think about personal change.  A way which is understandable and powerful.  A metaphorical structure, if you like, that not only clarifies but provide a way forward; it is both problem and solution.

The notion of the “Ordinary World” is all of that and more.

It is no surprise that Hollywood has taken this notion to be the most common Departure Point for it’s most popular films because it speaks to a deep truth in the human psyche.

And to bring it back to YOU AND ME, when we are considering some particular aspect of our life that we want to make a change with but perhaps have found difficult to achieve, the “Ordinary World” can be the resource we need.

The “Ordinary World” and The Coaching Machine

When you look at The Coaching Machine with the Hero’s Journey, you see that the “Ordinary World” is placed where you are AT.  It is your typical way of being, way of seeing, way of doing (with “typical” being the operative word).

To make any change, here’s what you need to understand:

  1. That you are living in your “Ordinary World”.
  2. That to make any real change you need to leave that “Ordinary World”.
  3. That leaving the “Ordinary World” is scary and unknown.
  4. That you will require courage, bravery and action to do so.
  5. That once you have stepped over the threshold, you must put all expectations aside.
  6. That you must trust in what destiny is about to show you.
  7. That when you step over, you state you are willing to open your doors to your inner being.
  8. That when you do that, you become filled with wonder, possibility and synchronicities abound.
  9. That you must remain open, alert and flexible – expect to be knocked off balance, and return to balance.
  10. That this is the adventure of living beyond the “Ordinary World” to which there is no going back.

Thus endeth this post on your “Ordinary World”.

Have fun!